Walking certainly has some obvious benefits over driving short distances. You'll save gas and get some free exercise. But there are also some benefits you may not immediately notice if you walk to work or get groceries.
If you have little disposable income and too much time on your hands, sitting at home can intensify your wants for entertainment for food. Walking takes you away from the TV or radio and gives you time to think on your own. The activity will will feed your own ideas and possibly help you come up with some ideas to improve your situation.
Another added benefit when walking to get supplies is that you'll be less likely to pick up unnecessary items. Is that 2-liter of soda really worth the extra effort required to haul it home? Probably not. Of course there will be some larger items required for day-to-day life, but you'll only need to pick those up every couple of weeks or so. You should be able to get most of the food for the week in one or two trips.
It should also be noted that driving short distances adds a lot more wear-and-tear on your vehicle than you might think. Frequent stopping and starting wears through tires and brakes quickly. Cars need a lot of energy to go from full stop to overdrive, putting added strain on the motor and gear box. Those short drives can end up costing a lot more than you think
So if you live in town with stores or bus stops near by, walking will certainly be the frugal option over driving. There's certainly no shame in taking the more environmentally conscious route.